Melon – very tasty, healthy and refreshing product. As well as cucumbers, larger part consists of water, but still and sweet. It is thanks to this its properties it is possible to use a watermelon for weight loss. Complete people, or those who are less overweight, it is possible to consume this product in large quantities, and that without fear of getting fat even more.
On the contrary, with proper diet with the help of the melon, the weight should start to leave, because calorie watermelon is very low. And the body begins to purify from toxins and waste substances, thanks to the useful properties of this berry.
Watermelon: features

Ripe, sweet and crispy product helps to perfectly quench your thirst and the desire to "tasty". However, for people passionate of fitness, there is present a certain caution towards the fruit. This happens because of the fructose and carbohydrates, their composition, which can hinder weight loss. People are afraid and they think they get fat from the melon. In this context, the question arises: "is it Possible better from the melon?". Or is it just a myth?
In order to solve this problem, below will be snapped up properties of this product:
- Calorie watermelon – approximately 25 – 30 calories. This low-calorie gains due to the large content of water.
- Per 100 grams of watermelon – 7,5% carbohydrates and 0.5% fiber. The last contribute to the improvement of the digestion.
- Not only quenches thirst, but also hunger.
- Folic acid contained in the composition of the watermelon, improves condition of hair, skin, digestion.
In any case, thanks to low calorie watermelon helps weight loss achieve your goal. It can be used how to diet, fasting days, so as painless nosh with proper nutrition. After all, for weight loss is need to consume 1500 calories a day and watermelon is easy to fit into this heading, although it is not restrictive in this tasty product.
How to choose a good watermelon?
How to get all the positive effects of the use, it is necessary to take on the food quality, useful and natural melons. Watermelon diet with the use of chemical products, clearly can not be called useful. So how do you pick the berries?
There are several basic rules that should be remembered:
- water-melons, which appear on the shelves early in the spring, most likely fed by nitrates;
- visually, the watermelon should be a smooth shape, with a lack of the rotten places and dried ponytail;
- the meat should be bright and juicy, not too fibrous. White, not yellowish tinge.
Watermelon diet
To the question: "is it Possible watermelon during the diet?", the answer is clearly positive. Calorie watermelon is allows to consume in the course of the day with almost no restrictions. Thanks to this, you can safely enter in your daily calorie and use a good quality snacks.
There are also several diets, specially developed for this product:
Mono -
It's a pretty strict diet, using only one watermelon. With the help of these austerity measures, can in a short time gets rid of a couple of boring, excess pounds.
But as with any strict diet, there is a possibility of the return of the weight. This watermelon diet, it is believed the correct "input" and "output" from it. It will allow to avoid the return of equivalent units For that in a few days "before" a few days "after" it is necessary to eat light products, and no rush on chocolate and buns.
Menu for the day with a watermelon diet: watermelon, and no less than two liters of water. To accept food 5-6 times a day. For variety, you can do juices, smoothies and drinks from watermelon. It is forbidden to sit on this diet more than 5 days.
A lightweight version of
Another effective and tasty watermelon diet allows no more free food intake. It helps to hold out on her for a long time, do not break, in addition, more sparing for the body.
The Menu on this diet includes: normal, not too high-calorie diet, proper nutrition. But for half an hour before and after the meal you can eat unlimited amounts of watermelon. In the first case it helps to quench thirst and satisfied and therefore eat less at the table. In the second, faster pull out all the harmful from the body. The last meal should also be a melon. On such a diet you can sit for a long time.
The unloading of the day

Many people know about the practice of fasting days. Their behavior, if you want to lose a small, but unwanted weight, cleared of toxins, or when he feels he is allowed to rest and now fattening.
Despite the myths about that from the watermelon better, from this handling of the day's weight goes very quickly. Yeah and in the summer heat, when there calories food and without it is not particularly desirable and it is constantly present thirst, melon unloading day will be perfect and uncomplicated. Improves work of intestines, you will receive more water from the body. In general, the weight is reduced to 1 – 1.5 kg.
The rules for the handling of the day on watermelon:
- there is only a watermelon;
- drink plenty of clean water;
- they are also allowed green unsweetened tea with mint.
And several options like the handling of the day:
- on melon and watermelon;
- the watermelon and bread.
The approximate menu for the day:
- breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water, boiled eggs and cottage cheese;
- lunch: lean protein, it can be cooked chicken meat, white meat, fish for a couple;
- dinner: a few slices of watermelon for 3 hours before bedtime.
While in the intervals between the meals are allowed to eat unlimited quantities of the product. You can thank the low-calorie watermelon.
It is important to remember:
- you can't eat more than two kilograms of watermelon a day;
- you cannot sit on the watermelon diet for more than five days;
- best perform such a diet on a weekend or holiday, and not to go far from home, as after all, this product has diuretic and cleansing properties;
- you cannot stick to a diet or the unloading of the day, not in watermelon season, it can be harmful because of the high content of nitrates.
Watermelon diet: contraindications:
- pregnancy;
- diabetes mellitus;
- stones or sand in the kidneys;
- weak immunity;
- cardio-vascular diseases;
- kids, teens or senile age.
What kind of results you can expect
What are the main effects and the results people are after the fasting days on watermelon or a nutritious diet? Naturally, in addition to weight loss, feel and other physical and psychological changes.
Watermelon for weight loss helps very well. The main advantage can be called, perhaps, cleansing the urinary system, because in the course of the day will often have to go to the bathroom.
Health condition improves, he felt comfort in the digestion. You cannot overlook this possibility of losing weight in the summer! The main thing to choose a good watermelon, soft, without chemicals... staying on it really simple and delicious. And then a feeling of lightness, of weight loss.
As a result of one of the important properties is becoming a psychological aspect. Then, what gets rid of the bowel, normalize digestion, is to feel the lightness, the more he doesn't want to eat heavy or high-calorie foods, drinking alcohol. Especially in the summer a living hell. Very well visible is this diet just on his belly, so how to get rid of the intestine. If a few days eating only watermelon, belly downright "deflates" to the eyes even in shapely people.
To sum up

Effective, whether it is watermelon for weight loss? Clearly yes. And it will become an excellent helper, both for those, who adheres to a proper diet and calorie counting for the long and effective weight loss, so even for those who urgently need to lose some excess pounds before the holiday, or cleanse the body. In the summer this decision becomes only salvation, but do not forget about the contraindications and also it is not necessary, it is the watermelon right before bed.
Due to the high amount of iron, watermelon is suitable for people with anemia. Helps women to relieve the pain and discomfort at the menstrual period. Thanks to the large content of vitamin C, strengthens immunity, and it is preparing for the cold time of the year. Those who for years used a lot of watermelon in the winter will hurt less! In general, watermelon has many advantages, it clearly becomes an excellent assistant in weight loss, and to refuse such a tasty, easy and simple options to weight loss is exactly that, it's not worth it!
It is not a panacea for large excess weight and other, but will be an excellent choice for cleaning the body, which is not exactly hurt.